
We’re almost a year into the pandemic, and the way people plan their travels has drastically changed. Shabnam Hakimi and Anne Tsuei are interested in understanding the pain points of how people plan to travel in the future, post-pandemic.

Market Research

Market Research Overview

We wanted to understand the overall market opportunity in global travel. In our research, we narrowed in on a surprising and growing market: Global Luxury Travel. To better understand the luxury travel market, we:
Researched the visual and emotional inspiration of luxury brands
Looked at Global Luxury Travel industry reports
Compiled a list of existing luxury travel mobile apps and websites
Reviewed overarching luxury travel trends during the pandemic

What is luxury travel?

“Luxury travel refers to delivery of superior services and products in a unique and engaging way, to travelers travelling for family trips, or solo trips.” Exclusivity and privacy
Unique and exotic experiences
High level of service
Elegant and classy environment
24/7 service
A special atmosphere
Local immersion
Disconnect from their daily routine
Ease of planning
Make them feel in their comfort zone
Environmentally friendly

Source Avalible Here

What Luxury Travel Feels Like

Market Research: Global Luxury Travel Market

We started by looking at Global Luxury Travel Industry Projection Reports and identified growth trends.

Global Luxury Travel Market growing at CAGR of 5.3%, to reach $1.3 Trillion by 2027 amid the COVID-19 crisis

Customized & Private Vacation is projected to record a 6.4% CAGR and reach US$310.6 Billion by 2027
The Adventure & Safari segment is readjusted to a revised 5.2% CAGR
Cruise/Ship Expedition Segment to record 4.5% CAGR

Market Research: Luxury Travel During a Pandemic

We looked at travel behavior during the pandemic and discovered an opportunity in luxury travel, which was also in line with our user research.

Affluent travelers are more likely than average vacationers to travel during a pandemic.

Well-heeled travelers seem to be more optimistic about when they’ll be able to fly and cruise than the average vacationer, industry observers say.
Cruise lines, hotels and guided vacation companies are pivoting to court luxury business and meet new pandemic-era wants and needs.
People are interested in traveling in “pods” of family and like-minded friends to ensure safety.

Technology allows for continuation of seamless and personalized service, and helps users social distance more efficiently.

“Once you experience service at this level, not only does it set a new bar for future travel but you inevitability want it again.” – Guest story
“We are always looking to enhance our service offerings and this new app will facilitate and strengthen personal connections with our team members and hotel guests, always ensuring guest expectations are met and exceeded every day…”
“We are offering an enhanced guest app and even more personalized service. The technology helps users social distance more efficiently.”

Market Opportunity

Key Insights:

Luxury travel market is niche but growing despite pandemic, due to resilience and optimism of affluent travelers.
Technology can help enhance service offerings and facilitate connections between guests and service.
Customer loyalty programs, such as mileage and rewards programs, ensure certain tiered privileges for the user and customer retention for the business.


Increase access to an inventory of untapped private luxury properties, unique and exotic experiences, and exclusive services.
Offer technological tool that provides continuation and seamless service via 24/7 concierge and on-demand hospitality.
Loyalty rewards or membership program creates tiered privileges, exclusivity, and potential revenue stream.

User Research

Our User Research Plan

We wanted to better understand how people have been thinking about travel today and began by conducting 5 user interviews in order to discover travelers’ travel-related concerns and their contingency plans in a post-pandemic world, such as their willingness to purchase travel insurance or avoid international travel.
We also surveyed 20 participants in a simple research survey created via Google Forms and posted it to our social media networks.
Research Question:
What are your concerns and contingency plans in regards to travel in a post-pandemic world?
Objective 1:
What are your general travel expectations?
Objective 2:
What are your travel concerns?
Objective 3:
How do you solve for unexpected changes to your travel plans?

Proto persona


To gather some quantitative data, we designed a survey that covered these following questions:
What is your gender?
What is your age range?
Who do you travel with?
What is your primary reason for travel?
Do you prefer a carefully planned itinerary?
What type of travel booking service do you use?
Do you have any plans to travel in the next 12 months?
Will you be traveling domestically or abroad?
What is the likelihood that you will make international travel plans in the next 12 months?
How likely are you to purchase travel insurance for any part of your travel?
What is most important to you when planning a trip?
Survey link: Here

Survey Data

Interview Responses

We conducted 5 interviews via Zoom. All five users have experience planning and booking travel prior to the pandemic.

Our interview questions:


Interview notes:


Interview recordings:


Interview notes

Affinity Diagram

Empathy Map

Definition & Ideation

Problem Statement

User Insight Statement

Heidi is a first-class frequent traveler and is excited about planning a safe, relaxing, and seamless honeymoon getaway, but planning and logistics is challenging, particularly during and post-pandemic.
Heidi is frustrated that she can’t find accommodations that are private and exclusive, and offer personalized, high-touch services, such as private chef, private transportation, or butler service.
She is also worried about possible trip cancellations and delays, and she doesn’t trust some of the generic travel booking sites or insurances that are typically offered. Not only does she want to be able to relax and travel with confidence, she wants the red carpet experience.

Problem Statement

Our Travel App was designed to improve the travel experience of luxury travelers. We observed that luxury travelers struggle to:
Plan logistics, particularly when it comes to finding accommodations that are private, exclusive, and personalized services. They prefer on-demand customer service and higher quality standards for a seamless and personalized travel experience.
Navigate changes, cancellations, and problems that arise during travel.

How might we help luxury travelers looking for unique travel experiences plan a highly personalized and seamless trip that brings them comfort and ease?

User Stories

We created user stories based on two Epics considering what users need pre-travel, and what they want during travel.

Ideation: I like, I want, What if?

Feature Prioritization Matrix

Value Proposition Canvas

User Scenario

Storyboard v1.0

Storyboard v1.2

User Journey & Flow, Competitive Analysis, Wireframes

User Journey Map Ideation

We determined the phases of Heidi’s user journey and mapped out the various tasks that she might run into.

User Journey Map

Competitive Analysis: Luxury Travel Booking Websites

We looked at websites and mobile apps that currently cater to luxury travelers or offer luxury accommodations and services.

Competitive Analysis: Here

Competitive Analysis Summary: Luxury-Focused


User Flow

View user flow: Here

Wireframes: Preliminary Sketches

Wireframes: Tighter Sketches v1.0

Wireframes: Tighter Sketches v1.1

User Flow: Onboarding v1.0

When users first download the app, they will be taken through an onboarding process that introduces them to:

The brand
Value proposition:
Luxury on demand, anywhere
Build your dream trip (how to use)
Enjoy the VIP experience (value)
24/7 concierge
No cancellation fees
Satisfaction guaranteed
Option to join for free or skip

Wireframes: Onboarding v1.0

When users first download the app, they will be taken through an onboarding process that introduces them to: The brand

Value proposition:
Luxury on demand, anywhere
Build your dream trip (how to use)
Enjoy the VIP experience (value)
24/7 concierge
No cancellation fees
Satisfaction guaranteed
Option to join for free or skip

Lo-fidelity Clickable Prototype (Invision)

We created a prototype out of our lo-fidelity wireframe sketches based on Heidi’s user flow. Here

Paper Prototype Feedback

Overall feedback from initial paper prototype reviews.
Onboarding seems pretty clear and smooth.
Seems pretty clear that the app is exclusively for luxury travelers.
Sign in with Apple, FB, Google is a nice touch
Liked to know that itinerary could be found on profile page after booking
Thought the LUX benefits callout on itinerary seems confusing and needs reinforced messaging.
Likes the ability to change payment method.

Wireframes: Onboarding v1.1

Based on initial testing and feedback, we decided to focus on testing and iterating on the onboarding feature.

Search function

We considered revising our search function and chose to clarify each step for the user.

Prototyping, Testing, & Case Study

Mid-Fidelity Clickable Prototype (Figma)

We updated our paper prototype to a lo-fidelity digital prototype using Figma. We incorporated some updated screens based on initial feedback.

Mid-fidelity: Onboarding Wireframes & Flow

Mid-fidelity: Search & Booking Wireframes & Flow

Guerilla User Test Research Plan

We conducted initial guerilla tests with our paper prototype as well as our mid-fidelity digital prototype.
Research plan:
User Research recording link:

Guerilla User Test: Observations

Guerilla User Test: Inferences

Guerilla User Test: Recommendations

Hi-Fidelity Clickable Prototype

We incorporated some screens based on initial feedback and added the following features:
All sign-up interaction instances
Password correction live notification
Forgot Password Screens
Search screens: Date & number of ppl
Favorites feature
404 “Coming Soon” screens
Hi-fidelity graphics and branding
InvisionApp link to hi-fi prototype:
Link to our working Figma file:
Video recording of our prototype in action:

Hi-fidelity Prototype: Onboarding

New features we added:

App load screen carousel of luxury travel images with value proposition
Join for benefits on start screen
Options to login (via email, Apple, FB, Google), sign up, or skip
Password correction in sign-up
Personalized Welcome screen

Hi-fidelity Prototype: Search & Booking

New features we added:

Prominent search bar and prompt
Calendar date selection screen
How many people screen
Map included in search results
Photo carousel in listing profile communicates expectations
Simple checkout with option to change payment method
Thank you confirmation page with share itinerary buttons

Hi-fidelity Prototype: Favorites

New features we added:

Favorite heart icon
Ability to save favorites to a list/board
Ability to customize (edit or delete) favorites list/board
Favorites main screen
Ability to create new list/board

Usability Test Research

We tested 3 tasks:

1-Onboarding and Signup
2-Search and Booking
3-Add item to Favorites
Usability Research Plan:
Usability Test Spreadsheet and Results:
Usability Tests Recordings:
User Test 1 Recording:
User Test 2 Recording:

Usability Recommendations: Onboarding & Signup

Usability Recommendations: Search & Booking

Usability Recommendations: Adding to Favorites

Learnings & Next Steps


We learned that when designing an app for the luxury traveler, branding that reflects their level of taste and the ease of use are important to them. Based on preliminary testing, our user testers all agree that our app looks tailored to the luxury traveler, and overall they found the experience satisfying.
The user liked our onboarding, search, and booking process, but they wanted to see more details about their selections.
They also would have liked to add more customizations to their bookings, including room selection.
The users liked that we considered multiple features, such as ability to add a listing to favorites. They would like for us to revise the flow so that the adding to favorites does not take them off of their original flow.
Finally, they pointed out that our itinerary page, though functional, had some confusing messaging.

Next steps:

Fully design what a listing looks like by including room selection, ratings, reviews, amenities, services, and add-ons specific to the listing.
Simplify itinerary page and revise some of the messaging to be more clear (clarify or remove the VIP Exclusive Benefits FREE)
Design the “my profile” page
Design the “my itinerary” page
Design the “contact concierge” page
Revise Favorites feature by reconsidering user flow based on our feedback
Add Google and Facebook logins; make the Google, Facebook, and Apple logins look more realistic (see their integration UI)
Review our iconography and branding (we never created a LUX logo…)
Consider adding keyboard UI to make prototype feel more realistic.
Update copy on Thank You itinerary share buttons

Iterations & Feedback Documentation

TA Feedback on HW2: Definition & Ideation Responses made 12/15/2020

TA Feedback on HW3: Paper Prototype Responses made 12/15/2020

Iterations and feedback

User Flow Documentation

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