Project Overview
Improve the usability of the California EDD website
Redesign the website by integrating new UI components
UI designer
Invision, Figma & Miro
Proto Persona
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The Employment Development Department (EDD) offers a wide variety of services such as Unemployment Insurance, jobs, and training, etc. Our user utilizes the EDD website because she lost her job due to COVID-19. She uses this government agency to access her unemployment insurance benefit every other week.
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On this flow you can see the steps that users should take to login to Benefit Program Online. While we understand this is for security reasons, it takes the user a long time to login.
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User Research Plan
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We want to understand how users have been utilizing the EDD website. Today with began by conducting 2 user interview in order to discover users’ concerns and find out essential factors that will help users to use the EDD website easier.
Research Question?
As a user researcher, I want to understand what prevents users from using the EDD website more often
Objective 1:
What is our user expectation from EDD website?
Objective 2:
What are your main concerns using EDD?
Objective 3:
What are the example of bad user experience in EDD website?
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Unit 9 | IA and UI Navigation Prototype
Analyze government agency navigation
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Usability tests
on the navigation of a website
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Notes From Interview 1
What do you think about login process?
I prefer that both Benefits and Employer login have username and password in the same location, it will be more convenient.
What do you think about the Navigation bar?
The Main Navigation bar is fine, but the Login was hard to find at first. Also, I don’t like the color of the Navigation bar when my mouse goes on it.
Why don't you like it? Is it hard to read or it’s readable?
Yes, it is readable just don’t like the color.
Notes From Interview 2
What do you think about Login process?
I’ve used EDD website before. But at first login and claim was confusing but after almost 20 minutes of searching, reading and learning about the process I know where I should go or what account I should create.
What do you think about the Navigation bar?
After knowing how it works it is easy and straightforward but at the beginning was definitely confusing. I wish Benefit and employee login was in the middle or somewhere more clear area. At first I wasn't sure that, should I go to Claim or should I go to Benefits Login?
Card sorting
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, Link for Videos are Available
Sitemap for navigation
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Lofi Prototype
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, Clickable Prototype link Available
Lofi Prototype
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Unit 10 | Homepage UI Design and Testing
User Persona
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First Iteration on header and footer navigation
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Second Iteration on header and footer navigation
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Clickable prototype for a Desktop
First Iteration Link Available
Second Iteration Link Available
Five-second usability test of clickable prototype
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First Iteration note:
Search is big!
Too much information on the first page
EDD response is good and bold enough to find
Titles on the bottom is confusing
Second Iteration note:
You can tell what is the purpose of the website.
“UI online” for someone who don’t know what UI is as abbreviation is confusing.
Having description for login is good
A phone or email on the footer for immediate contact is nice.
UI Style Guide
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We made some changes to our slides best of the feedback that we received from TA.
Units 11 and 12 |
Government Agency Redesign and UI Redesign Case Study
UI Style Guide 2
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User Testing
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Finding the login and navigating the website were the biggest issues our users had.
All of our users were able to do the tasks successfully.
One of our users is dyslexic and had no negative feedback about the accessibility about our website.
Screen Iterations
Lo-Fi Wireframes
Hi-Fi Wireframes

We increased the opacity on the pictures and added a gradient over it for text. We added icons next to our global navigation buttons for clarity and added a home button.
Final Desktop Prototype
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Hi-Fi Mobile Version
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Next Steps for this Project
Finish creating the rest of the pages for desktop.
Ability for user to see previous and current submissions.
Do more iterations on mobile and tablet.
Recent News section.
More accessibility testing.
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