Detour is a platform where travelers can explore scenic spots around the routes they plan.

People often handpick scenic locations using a variety of resources online, which can be very manual and time consuming. Detour simplifies that process so that discovering new places is fun and easy!
Research Plan
Key Focus Areas
How does the user plan their trips and select routes?
Which map apps are being used and in what capacity (feature wise)?
What kind of preferences go into choosing scenics stops & how are they finding them?
For our user research study, we identified our target user types, created a proto-persona, completed a competitor analysis, defined our research objectives & questions, and conducted five user interviews.

With current navigation apps, users struggle to locate the most scenic routes available to them or the best places to stop along their drive.
How might we develop an app that provides leisure travelers a great experience on their drives and help them to discover new places based on their preferences?
User Interview Insights
Affinity Diagram
“would be open to seeing scenic routes during long drives”
“looks and uses audio to notify for navigation”
“wished that you save a location along the route while driving”
“likes to have the option to zoom out and see the whole route”
Link to view
User Persona
User Journey Map
Feature Prioritization Matrix

Link to view
User Flow (Mobile)

Link to view
User Flow (CarPlay)

Link to view

Link to view
Lo-fi Wireframes

Link to view
User Test Plan
As close to the driving experience as possible
Touch screens ~8-10 inches diagonal
Experience using CarPlay or similar car interfaces
Limit time to complete task- avoid distraction from driving
Tasks to Complete:
1.Create profile and answer questionnaire (Mobile)
2.Create a Trip (Mobile)
3.Start the Trip (Carplay)
4.Add a Stop (Carplay)
User Test Lo-Fi Insights
“The name of the homepage [Explore] is confusing”
“The button sizes are good and easy to click”
“Need confirmation that I have started in the route” (Carplay)
“The onboarding experience is kind of long and confusing” (Mobile)
Mid Fi Prototype and Feedback
“I really like the imagery and design of the app”
Refined approach for notifications in CarPlay
Added visual queues for click confirmation
Updated Carplay Wireframes to HIG Template format
Hi Fi Prototype
Link to
Mobile Prototype
Link to
CarPlay Prototype
Next Steps
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